Thursday, June 11, 2009

On The Value Of Your Time

There is one asset that has been gifted to every person on the planet in equally measured quantities


It is the only non-renewable asset. You can always make another $ . You can never make another minute.


What can you do with time? The answer is in our language

1. You can kill time.

2. You can waste time

3. You can spend time, or

4. You can invest time.

Todays Challenge to you.

Look at what you are doing with your time - be honest

1. Don't kill it

2. Reduce the situations where you waste it

3. Spend it on things that enrich your soul and the souls of others you love

4. Always look for opportunities to invest it.

A short exercise:

1. Write down the dollar value you would expect to be compensated for your next year on the planet

2. Divide by 200 to get an hourly rate

3. Choose a single one hour activity that you do regularly

4 Ask yourself how did that return to you a greater value than the amount you came up with in step 2.

Thank you for for the time you invested with me today in reading this,

Enjoy: Time, time, time… Look around at whats become of me - as I looked around for my possibilities - I was so hard to please.

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